Seaports have a very important role in world trade, as well as Makassar New Port 1A, which has a very strategic role, especially for the Eastern Indonesia Region. The container terminal at Makassar New Port 1A has an important role in loading and unloading of goods. The use of the capacity of container terminal is urgent to analyze, whether it is optimal or not. Ecoport management is also urgent to analyze because it can affect sustainable port performance. It is necessary to know how is the integration between the use of container terminal capacity and ecoport management at Makassar New Port 1A. So this study aims to: (1) analyze the application of ecoport management in Makassar New Port 1A; (2) analyze the utilization of Makassar New Port 1A container terminal whether it is optimal or not; (3) analyze the integration between ecoport management and the capacity utilization of the Makassar New Port 1A container terminal. The results showed that the use of electrical energy quite efficient and capacity of the Makassar New Port 1A container terminal had not been used optimally with the average BTP value (12.77 TEUs/meter). While the results of the correlation analysis show a strong-enough integration with a value of 0.514, meaning that the management of ecoport and the use of container terminal capacity are interrelated, influencing each other, meaning that development must go hand in hand in order to provide optimal and sustainable benefits.