Arsenic and its derivatives have been used in pharmaceutical products, pesticides, alloying agents, semiconductors and metal adhesives [1]. However, inorganic arsenic compounds are categorized in Group 1 (carcinogenic to humans) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) [2]. Arsenic can enter our body either by drinking of contaminated water or by the consumption of plants commonly grown in the contaminated area [3]. Environmental exposure to arsenic causes a huge health problem globally [4]. Various arsenic detection techniques were developed [5]. However, most of these methods have limitations such as interference by a large number of ions, low/moderate sensitivity and require heating or extraction from organic solvents, requirement of sample preservations and chemical reduction steps, which may introduce sample contamination [6]. In addition, the samples are required to be transported to a laboratory for the analysis using a sophisticated analytical instrument. These sophisticated analytical techniques need sample preparation before the analysis, which is found to be tedious, time consuming and more reagents are required [1,7]. Therefore, to overcome these disadvantages, a rapid and simple detection method is required to provide an on-site checking of risk level of source water for drinking use and of effluent from small-scale arsenic removal plants with a rapid