The LHC will require over 1700 magnet power converters, some of which will need an unprecedented precision of about 1 ppm (of 13 kA). This paper presents the approach taken, prototype methods, initial results and charts future design directions. These results confirm that such performance can be obtained reliably and at a reduced cost compared to conventional methods. Developments of a real-time controls infrastructure needed to support on-line beam feedback are outlined.
BACKGROUNDFor the LHC machine to achieve its full potential, the power converter system needs to attain a peak performance of about 1 part per million (ppm) in terms of resolution, stability and reproducibility. This represents an improvement over current practice of approximately a factor of ten. In addition, the very large electrical time constants presented by super-conducting magnets, coupled with the need to remove dynamic errors required a new approach. In order to meet this challenge a number of studies and practical tests have taken place over the last few years aimed at proving that such increased performance can be obtained reliably. A strategy for obtaining such improvement was presented in an earlier paper [1]. In brief this strategy was :• Employ digital regulation methods rather than analogue methods.• Apply digital corrections of known errors.• Employ real-time feedback mechanisms (both magnetic and beam related).• Incorporate in-situ calibration techniques (this subject is not covered further in this paper).This approach required an extensive revision of present practice for the regulation and remote control. This paper presents the design of the prototype system, the results obtained and outlines future design directions.
PROTOTYPE IMPLEMENTATIONThe digital regulation hardware, shown in figure 1, has been built using a commercial digital signal processor (DSP) card as the heart of the system. This processor, a Texas TMS320C32, 32 bit floating-point device computes the current reference value every milli-second, compares this to the actual measured current and then computes, using a regulation algorithm, the required signal to drive the power converter to the correct value. This signal is converted into analogue form via a digital to analogue converter (DAC). The output current is measured by a purpose designed, Sigma-Delta, analogue to digital converter (ADC), which has better than ±1 ppm performance and is directly interfaced to the DSP. The interface between the DSP, the remote control system and the power converter hardware is provided by a second commercial micro-controller card. This card employs a Motorola MC68HC16Z1 which acts as the 'master' for the DSP.The software for both processors is written in 'C', using commercial software development tools. Only minor use of assembly language has proven necessary. Both systems employ 'direct to processor' connections to the PC (BDI and JTAG), allowing code down-load and extensive debug capabilities. The reference and regulation algorithms operate as a single repetitive t...