“…There are many other algorithms in the literature which do not fulfill all the NOC-NOC performance criteria. These include MySQL Cluster [40] for read committed, RAMP with faster commit [5,29] for read atomicity, COPS [30] and COPS-SNOW [32] for causally consistent read-only transactions (with single-key writes), and a large number of TCCv systems, e.g., GentleRain [16], Cure [2], Contrarian [15], PaRiS [46], and OCC [47]. Note that, as NOC-NOC subsumes both SNOW and NOCS, any transaction algorithms that are suboptimal, or even optimal (e.g., MySQL Cluster is NOCS-optimal; COPS-SNOW is SNOW-optimal), with respect to these two design objectives, can be potentially optimized to achieve better system performance.…”