â??We propose a service-oriented modeling and
simulation (M&S) method based on simulation model
portability 2 (SMP2) to simulate the performance of the
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). The proposed
method can be utilized to construct large complex
simulation systems, such as GNSS, to determine the
reusability, composability, and interoperability of
heterogeneous simulation resources. A service-oriented
SMP2 M&S framework with its conceptual framework,
system architecture, and system engineering process is first
introduced. The development and composition of the SMP2
model as well as the schedule method are then discussed in
detail. Lastly, a service-oriented SMP2 M&S environment is
designed and implemented, and the regional dilution of
precision performance of the GALILEO Navigation Satellite
System in China is analyzed based on the architecture and