The purpose of the study was to determine (1) whether baking process (a unit operation) – applied to produce leavened (LFB) and unleavened bread (UFB) – modifies the bioactivity of whey protein (WP) added in these portions and (2) how whey protein can change the textural parameters of these formulations. Reducing power activity (antioxidant potential) in food matrix was evaluated using phosphomolybdenum method. Textural parameters – hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, resilience, chewiness and gumminess – were carried out on a texture analyzer. In addition, this study demonstrated that the biofunctionality of whey protein was maintained in UFB 10 % WP. Nonetheless, this same formulation showed high values of textural parameters (hardness, chewiness and gumminess). Regarding the LFB formulations, the antioxidant potential was restricted after baking process in LFB 10 % WP. In conclusion, addition of bioactive additive in food matrix may not be sufficient to turn it into a functional food considering the effect of unit operations on bioactivity of some potential additives.