Transmission of natural gas from
its sources to end users in various
geographical locations is carried out mostly by natural gas transmission
pipeline networks (NGTNs). Effective design and operation of NGTNs
requires insights into their steady-state and, particularly, dynamic
behavior. This, in turn, calls for efficient computer-aided approaches
furnished with accurate mathematical models. The conventional mathematical
methods for the dynamic simulation of NGTNs are computationally intensive.
In this paper, the use of autoregressive neural networks for cost-effective
dynamic simulation of NGTNs is proposed. Considering the length, diameter,
roughness, and elevation as the main characteristics of a single pipeline,
a neural network pipeline (NNPL) is designed and trained based on
the data from a dynamic process simulator. Arbitrary NGTNs can then
be easily constructed by connecting the developed NNPLs as the building
blocks. The performance of the NNPL network is demonstrated through
a number of benchmark pipeline systems, where a very good agreement
with the benchmark results is found.