Nonlinear dynamics of single toroidal number gap Alfvén modes destabilised by the the resonant interaction with fast ions is investigated, in Tokamak equilibria, by means of Hamiltonian mapping techniques. The results obtained by two different simulation codes, XHMGC and HAGIS, are considered with reference to n = 2 Beta induced Alfvén Eigenmodes and, respectively n = 6 Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes; simulations of the bump-on-tail instability performed by a 1-dimensional code, PIC1DP, are also analysed. A general feature emerges from these results: modes saturate as the resonant-particle distribution function is flattened, because of the fluxes associated to the motion of particles captured in the potential well of the wave, over the whole region where mode-particle power transfer can take place in the linear phase. Such region can be limited by the narrowest of the resonance width and the mode width. In the former case, mode amplitude at saturation exhibits a quadratic scaling with the linear growth rate; in the latter case, a linear growth rate.These findings are explained in terms of the approximate analytic solution of a nonlinear pendulum model. They are also used to prove that the radial width of the single poloidal harmonic sets an upper limit to the radial displacement of passing fast ions produced by a single-toroidal-number gap mode in the large n limit, irrespectively of the possible existence of a large global mode structure formed by many harmonics.