The development of interoperability is more and more an essential task for all kinds of organizations. It needs to be measured, verified, and continuously improved. With the advent of the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation, as well as all technologies it brings, such as big data, cloud computing, and mobile applications, this subject become quite ordinary and necessary, not only in a manufacturing scenario but also in a business process. As crucial benefits, it can bring possible gains for developers and users, also reduce the efforts to communicate multiple and different platforms. Like all new implementations, there are significant challenges that have to be overcome to allow satisfactory results. In this paper, after a systematic literature review to better understand the technologies and this new situation, we conduct a study involving a case in a business process, presenting some actions that can be executed and technologies that can be implemented to reach a well interoperable environment. For instance, to analyze the interoperability maturity level and to adopt ontologies as an alternative to integrate heterogeneous systems. Finally, in the last part of the paper, we give conclusions and perspectives for futures works.