P. 1993. Isolation of Brevibacterium sp. R312 mutants potentially useful for the enzymatic production of adipic acid. Can. J. Mutants of Brevibacterium sp. R312 were isolated for the production of adipic acid from adiponitrile. One mutant (Ad) with a modified cell wall showed activity against adipamide 3 times greater than the wild type. Another mutant (ACV2) derived from the Ad strain had 30 times more activity on cyano-5-valeric acid, and 7 times more on adipamide, than the wild type. The presence of an amidase acting on amide intermediates in the hydrolysis of dinitriles to organic acids was demonstrated in these mutants.Key words: Brevibacterium sp., adiponitrile, cyano-5-valeric acid, adipamide, adipic acid, mutant.MOREAU, J. L., BERNET, N., ARNAUD, A., et GALZY, P. 1993. Isolation of Brevibacterium sp. R312 mutants potentially useful for the enzymatic production of adipic acid. Can. J. Microbiol. 39 : 524-528.Des mutants de Brevibacterium sp. R312 ont Ct C isoles en vue de la production d'acide adipique a partir d'adiponitrile.Un mutant a la paroi modifiCe (Ad) prCsente une activitk sur I'adipamide environ 3 fois plus importante que la souche sauvage. Un autre mutant dCrivC de Ad, ACV2, possede une activitC 30 fois plus importante sur l'acide cyano-5-valkrique et 7 fois plus importante sur l'adipamide que la souche sauvage. Une nouvelle amidase responsable de la dCgradation des amides intervenant dans I'hydrolyse des dinitriles en acides organiques a Ct C mise en Cvidence chez ces mutants. Mots clks : Brevibacterium sp., adiponitrile, acide cyano-5-valkrique, adipamide, acide adipique, mutant.