Capacitive deionization (CDI) technologies
couple electronic and
ionic charge storage, enabling improved thermodynamic efficiency of
brackish desalination by recovering energy released during discharge.
However, insight into CDI has been limited by discrete experimental
observations at low desalination depths (Δc, typically reducing influent salinity by 10 mM or less). In this
study, the performance and sensitivity of three common CDI configurations
[standard CDI, membrane CDI (MCDI), and flowable electrode CDI (FCDI)]
were evaluated across the operational and material design landscape
by varying eight common input parameters (electrode thickness, influent
concentration, current density, electrode flow rate, specific capacitance,
contact resistance, porosity, and fixed charge). All combinations
of designs were evaluated for two influent concentrations with a calibrated
and validated one-dimensional (1-D) porous electrode model. Sensitivity
analyses were carried out via Monte Carlo and Morris methods, focusing
on six performance metrics. Across all performance metrics, high sensitivity
was observed to input parameters which impact cycle length (current,
resistance, and capacitance). Simulations demonstrated the importance
of maintaining both charge and round-trip efficiencies, which limit
the performance of CDI and FCDI, respectively. Accounting for energy
recovery, only MCDI was capable of operating at thermodynamic efficiencies
similar to reverse osmosis.