The conventional rotor spinning unit generates flow vortices in the transfer channel upstream region which affect the fiber configuration and consequently yarn properties. Geometry and spinning parameters such as transfer channel length, inlet width, rotor outlet pressure, opening roller speed and diameter were found to be key parameters influencing airflow characteristics. To reduce the flow vortices in the upper stream region, modifications of the transfer channel were proposed, and their airflow fields were analyzed using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Three designs were studied; round transfer channel inlet, a bypass channel for extra air supply and one with both the bypass and the round inlet. Analysis of airflow revealed that the design with both round transfer channel inlet and a bypass proved to be very effective in properly directing the flow and minimizing vortices. The design was also characterized by smoother velocity streamlines and maximum mass flow across the transfer channel. A conventional rotor spinning unit was modified in which a round transfer channel inlet corner and a bypass channel were utilized to conduct the experimental tests. Three sets of yarn samples were produced using the conventional and modified rotor spinning units under different rotor speed conditions. Yarn properties were tested. Properties such as tenacity, CVm%, thin and thick places of the spun yarns produced by the new design improved compared to that of the conventional yarn.