“… The population equivalent (PE) is calculated based on the common relation 1 PE = 60 g BOD d −1 . Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) values were approximated using the ratio COD/BOD = 2 in the studies where BOD was not reported (Liu et al 2013 ; Fan et al 2013a , b ; H. Wu et al 2015b , 2016a ). (1) Tao et al ( 2010 ), (2) Dong et al ( 2012 ), (3) Liu et al ( 2013 ), (4) Fan et al ( 2013a ), (5) Fan et al ( 2013b ), (6) Foladori et al ( 2013 ), (7) Boog et al ( 2014 ), (8) H. Wu et al ( 2015b ), (9) Wang et al ( 2015 ), (10) H. Wu et al ( 2016a ) AA artificial aeration, VFCW vertical flow constructed wetland, WT wastewater type, D domestic, R river, S synthetic, HLR hydraulic loading rate, OLR organic loading rate, AM aeration mode, CA continuous aeration, IA intermittent aeration, AP aeration position, B bottom, M middle, S surface, AFR airflow rate, DO dissolved oxygen, TSSs total suspended solids, COD chemical oxygen demand, NH 4 + -N ammonium-nitrogen, TN total nitrogen, TP total phosphorus, NA not available …”