“…The gas film in UA-ECDM is thinner than in ECDM, increasing the discharge frequency. Higher discharge frequency in UA-ECDM Brass wire (TW-ECDM) Pyrex glass NaOH V-70 V, EC-200 g L −1 , T ON −500 μs, T OFF −450 μs, WFR-2.4 m min −1 MRR, ASR, K W Modified GRA [93] Tungsten carbide wire (TW-ECDM) Silica glass NaOH V-55 V, EC-17 wt%, IEG-0.5mm, T ON − 60 μs MRR, MD, OC ANOM [118] Stainless steel Soda-lime glass NaOH V-50 V, EC-25 wt%, TFR-4 mm min −1 , IEG-42.35 mm MRR, TWR RSM [119] Copper Tempered glass NaCl V-80 V, EC-30 wt%, DC-80% MRR Taguchi's L9 orthogonal array V-Applied voltage, EC-Electrolyte concentration, T ON -Pulse on time, T OFF -Pulse off time, ASR-Average surface roughness, WFR-Wire feed rate, K W -Kerf width, IEG-Inter electrode gap, MD-Machining depth, OC-Overcut, TFR-Tool feed rate, TWR-Tool wear rate, DC-Duty cycle, GRA-Grey Relational Analysis, ANOM-Analysis of Means, RSM-Response Surface Methodology. leads to higher MRR [42,81] and better depth of penetration [133].…”