All manufacturing industries contribute to carbon emissions and their harmful effects on environment have always been a point of concern. So, there must be innovative ways devised to target this problem. One of the mandatory regulations imposed by the government in many countries is that of carbon cap-and-trade, which has been quite successful in limiting the amount of carbon emissions produced during various industrial activities. Apart from dealing with environmental policies, the manufacturers need to look after their brand image by constantly putting efforts towards quality of the product being sold in the market. Assuming production of imperfect items during the production process, the manufacturer implements product inspection policy on the produced lot. The lot which remains uninspected is sold with a warranty cost and the one inspected encounters inspection errors, namely, type I and type II. Type I error, mistakenly marking a non-defective unit as defective, is considered to be manufacturer's risk and leads to direct monetary loss to his firm. Type II error, mistakenly marking a defective item as non-defective, is considered to be customer's risk which hampers the brand image of the firm due to customer frustration. Also, it is assumed that the production process gradually shifts from in-control state to out of control state, where the latter produces more defective items. A comprehensive sensitivity analysis is performed to check for the robustness of the model parameters. Numerical analysis is conducted to validate the hypothesis by jointly optimising non-inspected fraction and the fraction of cycle time for production by minimising the expected total cost function.