The 6G wireless communication system will utilize the terahertz (THz) frequency band (0.1-10 THz) to meet customer demand for increased data rates and ultra-high-speed communication in future applications. The exponential surge in data traffic, which is supported by dynamic resource allocation. To mitigate this challenge, the use of artificial intelligence-based methods, such as narrow neural network (NNN), can help to smooth the performance of the network. In this paper, an NNN-based approach for dynamic base station allocation for 6G wireless networks is proposed 14 different 6G parameters used to train the NNN model, initially achieving an accuracy of 89.5% and an F1 score of 0.72 for 200 users. Results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed NNN approach for dynamic decision-making in 6G networks and its potential for application in other domains where similar problems exist. Moreover, the proposed narrow neural network model shows improved results with an increase in number of users and decrease in fully connected layers and regularization strength (lambda). The validation accuracy received is 98.9% and 99.6% for thousand users with single fully connected layer, none (linear) activation function and regularization strength lambda values of 0.01 and 0.001.