The need to maintain a high temperature of the coolant for hot water supply during the transition period of the year leads to large heat losses, and this is a significant drawback of high-quality central regulation of heat release.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the effectiveness of the transition to a combined quantitative and qualitative method of regulating heat release.
The paper proposes the implementation of a combined quantitative and qualitative regulation, in which the release of heat is regulated by changing the temperature of the heat carrier before the cut-off temperature of the temperature graph, and after the cut-off, the transition to quantitative central regulation is carried out.
The work shows that the need for such regulation is an organic need for centralized heat supply systems (СНSs) in connection with the thermal modernization of buildings and their equipment with automated IНPs.
The low-temperature schedule of heat release, provided that the CНSs boilers are equipped with condensation heat exchangers, makes it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of heat generators and СНSs as a whole.