The power conversion system will be an important part of the DEMO fusion power plants. One possible way to convert heat from a helium-cooled fusion reactor to electricity is by the Brayton cycle with supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) as a working fluid. This approach offers a smaller footprint and smaller initial cost of the system than the Rankine cycle does, mainly due to the small size of the turbomachinery and simplicity of the Brayton cycle. Heat exchangers (heaters, coolers, and recuperators) play a major role in the overall size and cost of the system. One of the most promising heat exchanger types for heaters and recuperators is printed circuit heat exchangers (PCHE). In this work, the size of PCHE between primary circuit and secondary circuit with sCO2 of the helium-cooled DEMO power plant is computed using Python script. Presented results show that overall volume of heaters for the DEMO strongly depends on channel geometry.