The present study investigated the effects of the control factors of cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut on the response variables of cutting force (Fc) and surface roughness (Ra) in the dry turning of 15-5 PH martensitic stainless steel. Using PVD TiAlN-AlCrO-and CVD TiCN-Al2O3-TiN-coated carbide-cutting-tool inserts, a number of turning experiments were conducted via the L18 (2 1 ×3 3 ) Taguchi mixed orthogonal array. The machining parameters were optimized using signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Additionally, empirical models were created for predicting the Fc and Ra using multiple-regression analysis. The results indicated that depth of cut was the most significant cutting parameter affecting Fc, while the feed rate contributed the most to Ra. The developed quadratic regression model, showing a high determination coefficient of 0.981 for Fc and 0.988 for Ra, accurately explained the relationship between the response variable and the control factors. Keywords: Taguchi method, turning, cutting force, surface roughness, 15-5 PH steel [tudija prou~uje vplive kontrolnih faktorjev kot so: hitrost rezanja, hitrost podajanja in globina rezanja na spremenljivki odziva: silo rezanja (Fc) in hrapavost povr{ine (Ra) pri suhem stru`enju martenzitnega nerjavnega jekla 15-5 PH. Z uporabo PVD TiAlN-AlCrO-in CVD TiCN-Al2O3-TiN-nanosov na karbidnih vlo`kih za rezanje, so bili izvedeni {tevilni preizkusi stru`enja s pomo~jo me{ane L18 (2 1 ×3 3 ) Taguchi ortogonalne matrike. Parametri obdelave so bili optimirani z uporabo razmerja signala {uma (S/N) in analizo variance (ANOVA). Dodatno so bili postavljeni empiri~ni modeli za napovedovanje Fc in Ra z uporabo razli~nih regresijskih analiz. Rezultati so pokazali, da je globina reza najpomembnej{i parameter rezanja, ki vpliva na Fc, medtem ko hitrost podajanja najve~prispeva k Ra. Razviti kvadratni regresijski model, ki ka`e dolo~en visok koeficient 0,981 za Fc in 0,988 za Ra, natan~no pojasni razmerje med spremenljivko odziva in kontrolnimi faktorji.