Objectives: During the programming of the cochlear implant (CI) various fitting methods can be used such as electrically stapedial reflex thresholds (ESRT), electrically compound action potential (ECAP) thresholds and behavioral methods with visual loudness scales. The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between the eSRT and eCAP thresholds with the behavioral comfortable levels in CI users implanted with CI422. Materials and Methods: Ten CI users included in the study with the mean age of 20.47. Five electrodes were selected from different regions of cochlea for comparison. For these five electrodes, behavioral C (comfortable) levels were determined with Custom Sound 5.2 Fitting Software and eCAP and eSRT thresholds were obtained with Custom Sound EP 5.2. Results: Correlation analysis was done between behavioral C levels and eSRT/eCAP separately. For E22, behavioral C level was positively correlated with eSRT (r=.772; p= .009; p<.01). However, there was no correlational relation with eCAP. For E1, behavioral C level was positively correlated with both eSRT (r=0.785; p=.007; p< .01) and eCAP (r=0.812; p=.004; p<.01). There was not any correlational relation between eSRT levels and eCAP thresholds except for E1. Behavioral C levels was compared with ECAP and ESRT with related-samples Wilcoxon test. The eSRT levels were found significantly higher than the behavioral C levels for all electrodes (p<.05). Conclusion: This study is the first study that investigates the objective measures and behavioral method in CI users with Cochlear CI422 implant. Both eCAP and eSRT levels can be used in CI fitting but eSRT levels are significantly higher than the behavioral C levels. Especially in the basal portion of the cochlea, the C levels are correlated both with eCAP and eSRT levels. It is possible to use both objective thresholds in adjustment of the C levels in basal region in patients with CI422 implant. In order to provide adequate stimulation, the combination of the objective measures and behavioral methods was considered to be the best option.