An artificial capillary culture/transduction technique has readily attainable from 5 × 10 7 CD8-depleted lymphocytes. been developed for application in a phase I gene therapyIn addition, a sensitive and reliable quantitative competitive clinical trial for HIV. The trial protocol involves isolation of PCR method was developed to assess the levels of trans-CD4 + T-lymphocytes from a genetically matched HIV negaduction before infusion into the recipient. The transduction tive twin, retroviral transduction of equal numbers of cells data suggest that the efficiency of retroviral transduction with the ribozyme therapeutic and control genes, and was affected by the presence of inhibitory factors present expansion in Cellmax artificial capillary modules. Precliniin the virus preparations or generated as a result of the cal studies showed transduction efficiencies in the range transduction process itself. It is hypothesised that the of 3-30%, with preferential expansion of CD4+ lymphomethod of transduction could significantly affect the extent cytes over a culture period of 10-14 days. Over this time of this inhibition, and thus impact on clinical efficacy of period, an average yield of 1.7 × 10 9 lymphocytes was retrovirus mediated gene therapy.