Physical health indicators are developing towards miniaturization and diversified functions, and require them to have certain real-time analysis and diagnostic functions. To achieve such a function, it is necessary for the processor to have high performance and powerful algorithm processing capabilities. FPGA is now the ideal choice among mainstream processors and programmable chips. This article first introduces the portable and recognition system framework of FPGA, and then improves the application of signal processing to beneficial detection and diagnosis of various indicators of physical health. Then, in the design of physical health indicators using FPGA, five commonly used standard indicators are introduced first, and then five indicators of physical health are implemented using FPGA. The pressure sensor MS5536 is used to obtain the sampling data of the recognition system. Process the data and ensure that the collected data is valid. At the end of this article, DSP, ARM, and microcontroller are introduced as processors to complete data calculation and control functions, which cannot be well completed. However, various functions of physical health indicators can be achieved in FPGA, and then FPGA chips and signal processing are used the successful resolution rate of the event is higher than that of the other two systems, and the experimental results show that the lowest probability can reach 80.2%.