The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) Software Technology (ST) Focus Area is responsible for developing critical software capabilities that will enable successful execution of ECP applications, and for providing key components of a productive and sustainable Exascale computing ecosystem that will position the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the broader high performance (HPC) community with a firm foundation for future extreme-scale computing capabilities. This ECP ST Capability Assessment Report (CAR) provides an overview and assessment of current ECP ST capabilities and activities, giving stakeholders and the broader HPC community information that can be used to assess ECP ST progress and plan their own efforts accordingly. ECP ST leaders commit to updating this document on regular basis (every six to 12 months). Highlights from this version of the report are presented here. What is new in CAR V2.0: CAR V2.0 contains the following updates relative to CAR V1.5. • We introduce the FY20-23 project structure. ECP ST now consists of 6 (up from 5) level-3 (L3) technical areas, introducing the NNSA ST L3 area, which brings into one L3 the ECP open source development efforts at NNSA labs that are of particular importance to the rest of ECP. The number of ECP ST level-4 (L4) subprojects has been reduced from 55 to 33. The strategic aggregation of projects into fewer and larger units enables us to better manage L4 subprojects consistently as a portfolio. See Section 1.2. • We describe new and enhanced project management processes and resources including our iterative planning process, new KPP-3 capability integration process, a product dictionary and dependency management database. These new project features and related dashboards enable more insight and better information to effectively manage efforts across ECP. See Section 2. • The two-page summaries of each ECP L4 projects have been updated to reflect recent progress and next steps. See Section 4. • The Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack (E4S) is further described. The third release, which is also the first major public release Version 1.0, was November 18, 2019. E4S is the primary integration and delivery vehicle for ECP ST capabilities. See Section 2.1.1. • The ECP ST SDK effort has further refined its groupings. See Section 2.1.2. The Exascale Computing Project Software Technology (ECP ST) focus area represents the key bridge between Exascale systems and the scientists developing applications that will run on those platforms. ECP ST efforts contribute to 70 software products (Section 2.1.3) in six technical areas (Table 1). Since the publishing of CAR V1.5, we have introduced a product dictionary of official product names, which enables more rigorous mapping of ECP ST deliverables to stakeholders (Section 2.1.4). Programming Models & Runtimes: In addition to developing key enhancements to MPI and OpenMP for scalable systems with accelerated node architectures, we are working on performance portability layers (Kokkos and RAJA) and participating in OpenMP and O...