To cite this version:Frédéric Fort, Julien Forget. Code generation for multi-phase tasks on a multi-core distributed memory platform.
AbstractEnsuring temporal predictability of real-time systems on a multi-core platform is difficult, mainly due to hard to predict delays related to shared access to the main memory. Task models where computation phases and communication phases are separated (such as the PRedictable Execution Model [23]), have been proposed to both mitigate these delays and make them easier to analyze.In this paper we present a compilation process, part of the Prelude compiler [20], that automatically translates a high-level synchronous dataflow system specification into a PREM-compliant C program. By automating the production of the PREM-compliant C code, low-level implementation concerns related to task communications become the responsibility of the compiler, which saves tedious and error-prone development efforts.