Within exact electron density-functional theory, we investigate Kohn-Sham (KS) potentials, orbital energies, and non-interacting kinetic energies of the fractional ions of Li, C and F. We use quantum Monte Carlo densities as input, which are then fitted, interpolated at non-integer electron numbers N , and inverted to produce accurate KS potentials v N s (r). We study the dependence of the KS potential on N , and in particular we numerically reproduce the theoretically predicted spatially constant discontinuity of v N s (r) as N passes through an integer. We further show that, for all the cases considered, the inner orbital energies and the non-interacting kinetic energy are nearly piecewise linear functions of N . This leads us to propose a simple approximation of the KS potential v N s (r) at any fractional electron number N which uses only quantities of the systems with the adjacent integer electron numbers.PACS numbers: 31.15.ae,31.15.E-,31.15.ve Over the past few decades, Kohn-Sham (KS) [1] density-functional theory (DFT) [2] has become one of the most important tools in electronic-structure theory. Given the overwhelming popularity of density-functional approximations (DFAs) (e.g., PBE [3], hybrids [4]), surprisingly few studies have been dedicated to the detailed properties of the exact KS system. This is despite the fact that unusual properties [5] of the fictious noninteracting KS system serve a vitally important role in reproducing the quantum mechanical properties of the interacting system in cases where degeneracies are present in the ground state, or where electrons are added and removed. In this paper we study exact KS DFT properties of difficult, open quantum systems with degenerate ground states -specifically open-shell atoms with noninteger electron numbers. A primary aim is to provide guidance for the construction of new DFAs.In quantum mechanics, open electronic systems with a non-integer average number of electrons naturally arise, for example, as fragments from a molecular dissociation in entangled quantum states. In particular, in DFT the study of systems with fractional electron numbers is of great importance for a better understanding of the theory (for a recent review, see Ref. 6). For such fractional systems, Perdew et al. [7] proved[8] that the energy is a piecewise linear function of the electron number between the adjacent integers. This lead to the theoretical prediction of the discontinuity of the KS potential as the electron number passes through an integer, with many important physical consequences concerning the description of the fundamental gap [9,10], molecular dissociation [7] or charge-transfer excitations [11]. This also lead * t.gould@griffith.edu.au to the explanation that the underestimation of energies obtained with the usual semilocal DFAs for delocalised densities is a consequence of their deviations from the exact piecewise linear behavior of the energy [12][13][14][15][16]. These understandings have guided the design of improved DFT approximations [17][18][19][2...