Across the world, achieving sustainable water resource development and managing limited natural resources like water have proven to be significant issues, and India is no exception to the same. At present, irrigation consumes about 80 percent of the total available water in India and is predicted to remain the dominant water user. India is already a country with water stress and is on its way to becoming a country with water scarcity. Rising agricultural productivity, expanding urbanisation, growing industrialisation, and accelerating industry create competing demands for water. Most irrigation system issues in India are attributable to poor management of the built infrastructure. The present study aims to rank the irrigation canals based on their efficiencies and inefficiencies to improve the overall performance of WUAs in Jharkhand. The ranking is done for nine irrigation canals based on financial inputs like investments in training and development of WUAs, maintenance and repairs of canals, and outputs like users’ charges collection and yield in crop production. The Comprehensive Efficiency score analysis suggests that while there is room for improvement in the performance, the Water Users’ Associations have generally been successful in improving the technical efficiency of the irrigation system. The findings can be used for further investigation to identify best practises and areas for improvement.