The CARIBU facility at Argonne National Laboratory, USA provides a unique opportunity for research in nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics and nuclear applications with neutron-rich exotic nuclei. A new decay-spectroscopy station, optimized for performing β-γ-t and β-γ-γ coincidence measurements, has been commissioned for use with low-energy CARIBU beams. The array consists of the existing "X-Array", a highly-efficient array of five HPGe clover detectors for detection of γ rays and "SATURN" (Scintillator And Tape Using Radioactive Nuclei), a series of plastic scintillators for β-particle detection that incorporates a tape-transport system for removal of long-lived decay products. This has been commissioned via a series of 142−146 Cs → 142−146 Ba β-decay measurements, and an extensive research program with CARIBU low-energy beams lies on the horizon.