We study the problem of economical representation of subsets of structured sets, which are sets equipped with a set cover or a family of preorders. Given a structured set U , and a language L whose expressions define subsets of U , the problem of minimum description length in L (L-MDL) is: "given a subset V of U , find a shortest string in L that defines V ." Depending on the structure and the language, the MDL-problem is in general intractable. We study the complexity of the MDL-problem for various structures and show that certain specializations are tractable. The families of focus are hierarchy, linear order, and their multidimensional extensions; these are found in the context of statistical and OLAP databases. In the case of general OLAP databases, data organization is a mixture of multidimensionality, hierarchy, and ordering, which can also be viewed naturally as a cover-structured ordered set. Efficient algorithms are provided for the MDLproblem for hierarchical and linearly ordered structures, and we prove that the multidimensional extensions are NP-complete. Finally, we illustrate the application of the theory to summarization of large result sets and (multi) query optimization for ROLAP queries.