Additional index words: Lycopersicon esculentum, MSW compost, fruit qua1ity
AbstractThe effects of a municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) (from Villarrasa-HuelvaSpain) on growth, yield and mineral composition of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller, cv. Genaro) were studied. Results were compared with those observed both without the application of organic matter (Control) and with the app1ication of a commercial compost AC (made from sheep manure). Soils of the three treatments also received N, P and K as a deep mineral ferti1ization (181 kg ha-1 N, 22 kg ha-1 P 2 0 S , 108 kg ha-1 K 2 0). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse using a sandy soil and drip irrigation. The fertigation for all the treatments during the season was the usual one of the farmers of the region (120 kg ha-1 N, 20 kg ha-1 P 2 0 S , and 60 kg ha-1 K 2 0 per week).Treatments MSWC (21000 kg ha-1 dry weight; <10 mm, OM 26%, N 0.60%, P 2 0s 0.62%, K 2 0 0.55%) and AC (5000 kg ha-1 dry weight; OM 52%, N 3.47%, P 2 0s 0.50%, K 2 0 2.39%) increased the concentrations of K, Ca and Mg in tomato leaves and fruits, giving rise to higher EC values of the fruit juice. However, no effect of the organic treatments was observed in N and P contents of leaves and fruits. Mean fruit weight and yield increased noticeably in treatment AC (204 g; 104.6 Mg ha- ).