“…In statistics a lot of probability models for ranking are developed such as the Thurstone model (Thurstone, 1927), the Bradley-Terry model (Bradley and Terry, 1952), the Luce model (Luce, 1959), Mallows' φ−model (Mallows, 1957), gamma ranking model (Stern, 1990), distance based ranking model (Flinger and Verducci, 1986). A ranking model for IR based on the Bradley-Terry model is proposed by many researchers (Joachims, 2003;Freund et al, 2003;Burges et al, 2005;Xia et al, 2008). The popularity of the BradleyTerry model is due to its resemblance to the logistic regression model and computational advantages (Yan et al, 2010;Hong et al, 2010).…”