“…We also introduce the time-aware versions of RR and WFit strategies (RR 05, RR 10, RR 15, WFit 05, and WFit 10), where we do not allocate calls to VMs in which (2) assigned ← false (3) node index ← 1 (4) Do (5) nodevoice ← get(VNlist, node index) (6) Add call to node voice (7) if utilization of node voice <= 0.7 then (8) assigned ← true (9) else (10) remove call from node voice (11) n o d eindex ← node index + 1 (12) endif (13) While (size of VNlist >= node index and (14) assigned=false) (15) If assigned = false then (16) Create new node voice (17) Add call to new node voice (18) Insert new node voice into VNlist rented time is finished in certain threshold. By these thresholds, we try to avoid next hour renting due to continuation of this call over the rented hour.…”