In health care supply chain management, particularly in the area of organ transplantation, organ procurement and the transplantation network play an important role. The organ procurement organisation (OPO) should coordinate so that organs are prepared and transported to the recipients when donors become available. The scarcity of organ supply leads to life-challenging issues for the organ recipient. In this research, the importance of the location of OPOs to coordinate with the transplant centres in India is considered, and a solution is provided by facilitating the identification of locations where organs can be procured and distributed to the nearest transplant location. The location of the distribution centres of organs are identified, based on the p-median model. This model minimises the weighted distance of the organ recipients. Initially, the demand or the population density of organ recipients with respect to particular location is recognised. Then, based on the p-median model, the location of OPOs is effectively identified. Experimental analysis proves that the proposed model performs well in facilitating the location of OPOs. The robustness of the proposed work is validated using a sensitivity analysis of the differences in the selection of OPOs when the estimated demand for organs varies.
OPSOMMINGOrgaanverkryging en die oorplantingsnetwerk speel ʼn belangrike rol in die voorsieningkettingbestuur van gesondheidsorg. Die orgaan verkrygingsorganisasie moet koördineer dat organe voorberei en vervoer word na ontvangers soos wat skenkers beskikbaar word. Die skaarsheid gekoppel aan orgaanverskaffing lei tot lewensgevaarlike situasies vir die orgaanontvanger. Die belangrikheid van die ligging van orgaan verkrygingsorganisasies word oorweeg en ʼn oplossing word verskaf deur die liggings waar organe verkry en versprei kan word na die naaste oorplantingsentrum te identifiseer. Die ligging van die verspreidingsentrums word deur middel van die p-mediaan model identifiseer. Die model minimeer die geweegde afstand tot by die orgaanontvangers. Eksperimentele analise bewys dat die voorgestelde model daarin slaag om die orgaan verkrygingsorganisasies se liggings te fasiliteer. Die robuustheid van die voorgestelde model is gevalideer deur middel van ʼn sensitiwiteitsanalise van die verskille in die seleksie van orgaan verkrygingsorganisasies wanneer die geskatte vraag na organe wissel.