We propose an advanced two‐step tsunami source inversion method with adaptive Green's functions by applying an optimization and a reciprocity principle. The method first reconstructs the sea surface displacement from observed tsunami waveforms based on a superposition of Gaussian‐shaped unit sources. In the first step, we optimize the unit source locations that give the best fit of waveforms to observations. This leads to nonequidistantly distributed unit sources, in which the synthetic waveforms from such sources to the observation points are generated using the reciprocity principle to save computational efforts of Green's functions. In the second step, the reconstructed sea surface displacement is used to estimate the slip on a finite fault plane. We also optimize the fault parameters that produce the closest displacement pattern to the first step result. Therefore, our method provides best fitting of waveforms and optimum fault parameters with automation for the process. The current method improves our previous studies, in terms of the construction of tsunami Green's functions using the reciprocity principle and determination of fault parameters through the optimization. We test the proposed method using tsunami data of the 2004 Kii Peninsula, Japan event generated by an Mw 7.4 intraplate earthquake. The overall waveform fit that resulted from our method shows much better agreement with the observations compared to that of the conventional approach, and the estimated fault depth is more consistent with the relocated aftershock distribution.