A hybrid technique-based energy management scheme for optimal sizing of solar, wind, battery along the integral of pumped hydro storage (PHS) is presented in this paper. The suggested control scheme is the consolidated implementation of both Improved Dolphin Echolocation Algorithm (IDEA) and Cuttlefish Algorithm (CFA). Searching behavior of Dolphin Echolocation Algorithm (DEA) is changed through utilizing productive search capacities such as levy flight, so it is known as IDEA. The prominent intension of this work is the List of symbols and abbreviations: P rat , rated output power of solar PV; G h , hourly solar radiation (W/m 2 ); α p , temperature of power coefficient; T s , standard test conditions under PV cell temperature; s, scale factor along condition of r > 0 as well as s > 0; R, random variable of wind speed; v Rated , wind speed at rated; v o , cut-out speed of wind; R a , internal resistance; C i , incipient capacitance; R b , terminal ohmic resistance; C PV , C WT , C PHS , C BESS , annualized total cost of PV, WT, PHS, BESS; C gs , total price of electricity sold to the grid ($/yr) annually; C PHS AC rep ð Þ , annualized replacement cost of PHS; C MT Cap , initial capital cost of PHS; β, lifetime as years; y, lifetime of the PHS device in years; P HP , PHS nominal power; β j , externality cost of emission type; C i , fuel consumption rate of generating unit; M, emission types; P G , grid output power; P PV , output power of PV; P Ls , transmission losses; i, j, generator index; P max bc , P max bd , maximal power to charge as well as discharge the battery; P max l , upper limit of transmission power; P Gmax (l), maximum generating power of PHS unit; P Pmax (l), maximum pumping power of the PHS unit; Q Pmin (l), Q Pmax (l), minimum and maximum water discharge of PHS unit at pumping mode; V Umin (l), V Umax (l), PHS unit minimal and maximal volume of the upper reservoir; V U (l, t), V L (l, t), PHS unit upper and lower reservoir volume at hour t; V U0 (l), V L0 (l), initial volume of PHS unit upper as well as lower reservoir; M, load demand; f i (c), annualized capital cost; Φ ij , accumulative fitness; ⊕, entry-wise multiplications; R, random number between (0, 1); f, numbers of inputs; {C 13 , C 18 , C 30 }, from unselected costs, costs are randomly selected; IDEA, Improved Dolphin Echolocation Algorithm; DEA, Dolphin Echolocation Algorithm; CDF, cumulative distribution function; HRES, hybrid renewable energy sources; ANFIS-EHO, adaptive neuro fuzzy interference system with elephant herding optimization; PV, photovoltaic; BESS, battery energy storage system; f loss , loss factor of solar PV; G s , standard incident radiation (1000 W/m2); T c , current step time in the PV cell temperature; r, radio factor; v, wind speed; P Rated , rated output power of wind; v i , cut-in speed of wind; P w , wind output power; V oc , open circuit voltage; C p , polarization capacitance; AC, annualized cost of the system; C gp , total price ($/yr) of electricity purchased from grid annually; C PHS AC Cap ð Þ , annual...