Alk ylisothiocyanate 3, die in a-Stellung mindestens einen weiteren -M-Substituenten (z. B.Alkoxycarbonyl, Aryl oder Vinyl) tragen, werden mit Kalium-tert-butylat oder Natriumhydrid Alkyl isothiocyanates 3, bearing in a-position at least one further -M-substituent (e. g. alkoxycarbonyl, aryl, or vinyl) are metalated by means of potassium ten-butoxide or sodium hydride to give the anions 4, which add to aldehydes or ketones 8 to yield the salts 9. After neutralization from 9 di-, tri-, or tetra substituted 2-thioxo-oxazolidines 2 are obtained. The mechanism and side reactions are discussed. Relative configurations of diastereomeric compounds 2 are ascertained 'H n. m. r. spectroscopically, in part by application of lanthanide shift reagents. The oxazolidinethiones 2 are desulfurized to the 2-oxazolidinones 12.