Children have unique dental needs. During developmental period, the children go through various phases i.e., from no teeth, to primary teeth, to loosing teeth, to permanent teeth, which occur in about the first 12-14 years. If this routine goes without any disturbance, the child enters the adulthood with a strong and healthy dentition and oral structures. If there is any disturbance, either physical or psychological or both, it will result in mal development and malocclusion.The development and maturation of normal oropharyngeal function plays an important role in craniofacial growth and occlusal physiology. Any muscular imbalance caused by intrinsic or extrinsic pressure will show their effect on the growing bone which will result in malocclusion. One of the important factors resulting in malocclusion is oral habit practiced by a child.Having an oral habit is not a tragic situation, but needs to be stopped at the appropriate time with an appropriate method to get a good long-term result.