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Aims:To conduct an epidemiological survey on oral health and psychosocial factors in individuals aged 60 years or older. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with elderly individuals as the target population. A representative sample of Diamantina, a town in Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil, was used. The sample consisted of individuals aged over 60 years registered at Family Health Strategy units in the rural and urban areas of Diamantina. Data were collected at home by means of oral examinations performed by a single trained and calibrated examiner, and through questionnaires. The decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) index and sociodemographic data were investigated. Data on oral health-related quality of life, health locus of control, and use of alcohol and drugs in old age were also obtained. Results: Thirty-seven elderly individuals with a mean age of 73.41±7.25 years were interviewed. The average DMFT index was equal to 25.38±5.18. There was a statistically significant correlation between functional limitations and age, external locus and random locus, functional limitation and income, functional limitation and internal locus, and DMFT index and social disability. Conclusions: It can be concluded that quality of life, health locus of control, and DMFT index are correlated factors in the elderly. Health professionals should act in seeking to promote healthy aging.KEY WORDS: quality of life; oral health; locus of health control; DMF index; aged.