Introduction/Aim: Oral health impact on the quality of life presents the increasing need in testing the individual's oral health and one of the entire population. The goal of the paper was to translate the index of "Oral Health Questionnaire for Adults" of the World Health Organization into the Serbian language and to check its reliability.
Methods:This study has been designed as an observational, epidemiological study. Index of the "Oral Health Questionnaire for Adults" has been translated into the Serbian language. The classical theory of tests was used in data analysis. The characteristics assessed included internal consistency and construct validity.
Results:A total of 1741 participants were included in this analysis. The mean age of the study group was 32.4 ± 9.7 years. In the last 12 months, problems which occurred frequently or very often regarding teeth and mouth were the following: difficult biting of food (6.2%), difficulty chewing (5.1%), difficult speech or difficult pronunciation of certain words (1.9%), dryness of the mouth (2.9%), the feeling of discomfort due to esthetic appearance of teeth (6.8%). The reliability of the "Oral Health Questionnaire for Adults" (items considering Oral health self-assessment) had high internal consistency (the Cronbach's coefficient was 0.879). The Principal component analysis and Promax rotation revealed 1 factor with Eigenvalue exceeding 1, accounting for 54.3% of the total variance. Conclusion: A Serbian version of the "Oral Health Questionnaire for Adults", provides very useful and reliable information on the condition of oral health of the Serbian Armed Forces. Apstrakt Uvod/Cilj: Procena uticaja stanja oralnog zdravlja na kvalitet života, predstavlja sve veću potrebu u ispitivanju oralnog stanja pojedinaca, ali i cele populacije. Cilj rada bio je da se indeks "Upitnik za oralno zdravlje odraslih" Svetske Zdravstvene Organizacije prevede na srpski jezik uz proveru njegove pouzdanosti. Metode: U radu je primenjena opservaciona, epidemiološka studija. Indeks "Oral Health Questionnaire for Adults" preveden je na srpski jezik. Pri analizi podataka korišćena je 4 klasična teorija testova. Procenjene karakteristike uključuju unutrašnju konzistentnost i valjanost konstrukcije.Rezultati: U ovu analizu je uključeno ukupno 1741 ispitanika. Prosečna starost ispitivane grupe iznosila je 32,4 ± 9,7 god. U poslednjih 12 meseci od problema koji su se javljali često ili veoma često u vezi zuba i usta bili su: otežano odrgrizanje hrane (6,2%), otežano žvakanje (5,1%), otežan govor ili otežano izgovaranje pojedinih reči (1,9%), suvoća usta (2,9%), osećaj neprijatnosti usled estetskog izgleda zuba (6,8%). Pouzdanost "Upitnika za oralno zdravlje za odrasle" (stavke koje uzimaju u obzir samoocenjivanje oralnog zdravlja) imala je visoku unutrašnju konzistentnost (Cronbahov koeficijent je 0,879). Analiza glavnih komponenti i rotacija Promaks otkrili su 1 faktor sa Eigenvalueom većim od 1, što čini 54,3% ukupne varijanse.Zaključak: Srpska verzija upitnika "Upitnik za oralno zdravlje ...