Purpose: To test the hypothesis that perphenazine decreases the incidence of vomiting by children after tonsillectomy. Methods: Healthy children (n = 260) aged 2-12 yr undergoing elective tonsillectomy on a day care surgical basis were studied in this randomised, stra~ed, blocked, double-blind investigation. General Anaesthesia was induced intravenously with propofol or by inhalation with halothane and N20. Perphenazine 70/Jg.kg -I up to 5 mg or placebo/v was administered before surgery, Management of perioperative fluids, emesis and pain were all standardised. ~ults: The groups were similar with respect to demographic data. There was less vomiting after perphenazine during the first 24 hr after surgery 4296 (95% CI = 34o/0-5096) vs 57% (9596 CI = 4896-6696, placebo), P < 0.01. On the day of surgery, both in and out-of hospital emesis were decreased by perphenazine. The perphenazine treated patients required fewer rescue antiemetics than the control group, P < 0.05. Each episode of in-hospital vomiting delayed discharge by 20 _+ 7 rain (mean _+ SD), P = 0.007. Conclusion= The prophylactic administration of perphenazine decreases vom~ng by children alter tonsillectomy.Objectif : V6rifier si la perph6nazine diminue l'incidence des vomissements apr~s une amygclalectomie chez l'enfant.M6thodes : Des enfants bien portants (n = 260) ~g~s de deux ~ 12 arts soumis ~ une amygdalectomie en chirurgie rEgl6e dans un centre de jour ont partidpE ~ cette investigation randomis6e, stratifl6e, avec blocs et en double aveugle. I'anesthEsie g6n&ale 6talt induite par la vole veineuse de propofol ou par inhalation d'halothane et de N20. Avant la chirurgie, on administrait iv de la perph6nazine 70/jg.kg -~ jusqu'~ 5 mg ou un placebo. La prise en charge des liquides l:~riop6ratoim~s, des vomissements et de la douleur ~tait uniformis6e.R~sultats : Les groupes 6talent comparables sous l'aspect d6mographique. Les vomissements survenaient moins souvent apr#.s la perphEnazine pendant les premieres 24 h postchiru~cales, 42% (IC 95% = 3496-50%) vs 5796 (IC 9596 = 48%-66%), P < 0.0 I. Le jour de la chirurgie, les (~pisodes 6m6tiques intra-et extrahospitaliers diminualent sous perph6nazine. Les patients trait& i~ la perph6nazine ont eu besoin de moins d'anti6m6-tiques de sauvetage que le groupe contr61e, P < 0,05. Chaclue 6pisode de vomissements intrahospitaliers a retard6 le cong~ de I0 _+ 7 min (moyenne +_ L~I'), P = 0,007.