A scroll wave in a very thin layer of excitable medium is similar to a spiral wave, but its behavior is affected by the layer geometry. We identify the effect of sharp variations of the layer thickness, which is separate from filament tension and curvature-induced drifts described earlier. We outline a two-step asymptotic theory describing this effect, including asymptotics in the layer thickness and calculation of the drift of so-perturbed spiral waves using response functions. As specific examples, we consider drift of scrolls along thickness steps, ridges, ditches, and disk-shaped thickness variations. Asymptotic predictions agree with numerical simulations. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.068302 PACS numbers: 82.40.Ck, 02.70.-c, 05.10.-a, 82.40.Bj Spiral waves in two dimensions (2D) and scroll waves in three dimensions (3D) are regimes of self-organization observed in physical, chemical, and biological spatially extended dissipative systems with excitable or selfoscillatory properties [1]. A particularly important example is the reentrant waves of excitation underlying arrhythmias in the heart [2]. In nature, 2D systems often are very thin 3D layers of the medium, so the dynamic fields vary only slightly in the transmural direction. The geometry of a layer affects the dynamics of scroll waves via the well-known phenomena of scroll wave filament tension [3] and surface curvature of the layer [4], which cause scroll waves to drift to or from thinner regions and more curved regions, respectively. There are, however, effects not reducible to these phenomena and rather related to sharp features of the layer thickness. Figure 1 shows a paradoxical example of a scroll wave with a positive filament tension first attracted towards the thicker part of the layer and then drifting along the thickness step. There is experimental evidence that sharp thickness variations can play a significant role in atrial fibrillation [5,6].In this Letter, we present an asymptotic theory of drift of scroll waves caused by variations of layer thickness. Predictions of this theory are quantitatively confirmed by direct numerical simulations for two selected archetypical models, one excitable and one self-oscillatory. We demonstrate that sharp variations can produce drifts that are not reducible to filament tension and surface curvature. The details of these drifts depend on the reaction-diffusion kinetics, as well as the size, geometry, and position of the thickness feature. A typical motif, observed for both selected models, is that a scroll is first attracted towards a sharp thickness variation and then drifts along or around it.We start from a generic homogeneous isotropic reactiondiffusion system in 3D,where v ¼ ½uðr; tÞ; vðr; tÞ T ,r ¼ ðx; y; zÞ. In numerical examples, we use the excitable FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) system [8], with kineticsfor α ¼ 0.3, β ¼ 0.68, γ ¼ 0.5, and D ¼ diagð1; 0Þ, and the self-oscillatory Oregonator model of the BelousovZhabotinsky reaction [9], with kineticsWe consider the system of Eq. (1) in a thin layer, z...