We report the magnetic properties of the ZnLn 2 S 4 (Ln = Er, Tm, Yb) olivines, in which the magnetic lanthanide ions are in a potentially frustrated geometry consisting of sawtooth chains of corner-sharing triangles. Fits to the high temperature magnetic susceptibility yielded Curie-Weiss temperatures of θ W ≈ -4, -13, and -75 K for the Er, Tm, and Yb compounds respectively. Antiferromagnetic interactions indicated by these negative θ W values, along with the absence of magnetic long range order above T = 1.8 K, suggest that geometrical frustration of magnetic ordering exists in these sulfide olivines as has been observed previously in the rare earth chalcogenide spinels. PACS number(s): 75.50.-y, 61.10.Nz