We study the thermodynamic and high-magnetic-field properties of the magnetic insulator Ba5CuIr3O12, which shows no magnetic order down to 2 K consistent with a spin liquid ground state. While the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility and the specific heat shows only weak antiferromagnetic correlations, we find that the magnetization does not saturate up to a field of 59 Tesla, leading to an apparent contradiction. We demonstrate that the paradox can be resolved, and all of the experimental data can be consistently described within the framework of random singlet states. We demonstrate a generic procedure to derive the exchange coupling distribution P (J) from the magnetization measurements and use it to show that the experimental data is consistent with the power-law form P (J) ∼ J −α with α ≈ 0.6. Thus, we reveal that high-magnetic-field measurements can be essential to discern quantum spin liquid candidates from disorder dominated states that do not exhibit long-range order.Strong quantum fluctuations in insulating magnetic compounds can give rise to quantum spin liquid (QSL) ground states, where the interaction-driven ordering tendencies are thwarted completely. Devoid of long-range order, QSLs lie beyond the Landau symmetry-based classification, and are characterized instead by their unconventional entanglement properties and the presence of exotic fractionalized excitations [1,2]. However, identifying the elusive QSL behavior in real materials has proven to be a formidable task [2][3][4]. The search for QSL candidate materials represents a major challenge of modern condensed matter physics.Disorder is one of the major hindrances to identify QSL materials [5][6][7], as it can drive the formation of random singlet states (RSS) [8] or disordered stripe states [9] instead of a QSL. Importantly, this includes single-crystal samples due to intrinsic disorder [10,11]. A convenient reference point can be found in one-dimensional (1D) systems, where the quantum fluctuations are dominant [12] and the effect of disorder was clarified some time ago [13,14]. In 1D it converts the spin liquid ground state into a RSS, where the effective exchange coupling follows a broad probability distribution that has a universal form [15] at low energies. In 2D and 3D, on the contrary, the fate of disordered spin systems is still an open question. While a random singlet state with a power-law distribution has been conjectured [16], the true ground state of such systems is still under debate and might not be universal [17][18][19]. In particular, enhanced suppression of QSL states by disorder has been found in model calculations [19,20]. However, mechanisms for the stabilization of QSL states by disorder have also been proposed [21]. Additionally, a strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is an important ingredient in many QSL candidates. While its effects on clean QSLs have been studied [1, 2] and particularly emphasized for the so-called Kitaev materials [22,23], the interplay of SOC with disorder still remains to be underst...