Whilst it has long been known that disorder profoundly affects transport properties, recent measurements on a series of solid solution 3d-transition metal alloys reveal two orders of magnitude variations in the residual resistivity. Using ab-initio methods, we demonstrate that, while the carrier density of all alloys is as high as in normal metals, the electron mean-free-path can vary from ~10 Å (strong scattering limit) to ~10 3 Å (weak scattering limit). Here, we delineate the underlying electron scattering mechanisms responsible for this disparate behavior. While site-diagonal, spin dependent, potential scattering is always dominant, for alloys containing only Fe, Co, and Ni the majority spin channel experiences negligible disorder scattering, thereby providing a short circuit, while for Cr/Mn containing alloys both spin channels experience strong disorder scattering due to an electron filling effect. Somewhat surprisingly, other scattering mechanisms -including displacement, or size effect, scattering which has been shown to strongly correlate with such diverse properties as yield strength -are found to be relatively weak in most cases 4 component equiatomic fcc solid solutions: NiPd, NiCo, NiFe, NiFeCo, NiCoCr, NiCoMn, NiCrCoMn, NiFeCoMn and NiFeCoCr. This set of alloys combined with NiFeCoCrMn and NiFeCoCrPd (here collectively referred to as Cantor-Wu alloys), constitute a rich playground for comprehensive studies of the role of maximal disorder on the properties of multi-component alloys by controlling both the number (increasing configurational entropy) and types (chemical specificity) of alloying elements 4,5,8 . Of interest here are the results of recent residual resistivity measurements 5,8 of a subset of Cantor-Wu alloys that show, rather than increasing monotonically with increasing numbers of components, values of r0 break into two subgroups of low (r0 <10 µW•cm) and high (r0 >75 µW•cm) resistivity alloys. In addition, two entropically identical alloys, NiCoFe (r0 = 1.7µW•cm) and NiCoCr (r0 =92.7 µW•cm), fall into different resistivity groupings. Remarkably, the least and most resistive alloys differ by almost two orders of magnitude, r0(NiCo)=1.3µW•cm; r0(NiFeCoCrPd)=124.8µW•cm. Interestingly, the low resistivity group have r0 values typical of dilute weak scattering alloys in which there are clearly defined host (solvent) and impurity (solute) elements. In such alloys, r0 arises from the scattering of a low Fermi energy DOS of nearly-freeelectron sp-states with large λ e [ε F ] and r0 generally obeys both Nordheim's relation (r0∝c((1-c);where c is impurity concentration) 9 and Linde's "law" (r0 ∝ (DZ) 2 ; where DZ is the valence difference between host and impurity atoms) 10 . (see Ref. 11 for a discussion) This, despite the fact that, in equiatomic alloys, the concept of host and impurity elements is lost and the Fermi energy falls in the high density of state (DOS) d-bands 5 . At the other extreme, high-r0 NiFeCoCrPd is