Superconducting Nb films have been grown on top of arrays of Cu nanotriangles. These asymmetric pinning centers strongly modify the vortex lattice dynamics. Two rectification effects have been observed: ͑i͒ longitudinal ratchet effect when the input currents are injected perpendicular to the triangle reflection symmetry axis and ͑ii͒ transverse rectification effect when the input currents are injected parallel to the triangle reflection symmetry axis and the output voltage drop occurs perpendicular to the triangle reflection symmetry axis. Increasing the applied magnetic field, the former shows a change of the output voltage polarity, the transverse output voltage does not show any polarity reversal. © 2007 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2767199͔Arrays of nanodefects embedded in superconducting thin films are a powerful tool to control the vortex lattice motion. Superconducting films fabricated on arrays of periodic and symmetric pinning potentials show, for instance, vortex lattice channeling effects 1 that allows us to guide the vortex lattice motion. Superconducting films with arrays of periodic and asymmetric pinning centers show vortex motion rectification effects. 2 This rectification is based on the ratchet effect, that, is the net motion of particles induced by asymmetric potentials, without the need of being driven by nonzero average forces or temperature gradients. 3 This vortex ratchet effect could be used for improving the performance of existing superconducting devices, for instance, diminishing the noise in superconducting quantum interference devices coming from trapped magnetic flux as has been proposed by Lee et al. 4 Furthermore, the vortex ratchet effect shows very interesting properties; for example, the output signal polarity could be tuned with external parameters ͑for instance, applied magnetic fields͒. 2,5 Moreover, this vortex ratchet is an adiabatic ratchet; i.e., the effect shows a nonfrequency dependence that allows us to study and mimic the vortex ratchet effect by I͑V͒ curves. 6,7 The possible transverse rectification of particles has been theoretically studied by several authors. 8,9 The transverse ratchet effect for vortices moving in arrays of triangular pinning sites was specifically studied by Reichhardt-Olson and Reichhardt. 10 The transverse effect could be used for fabricating devices whose aim should be particle separation ͑DNA sorting, ion channeling, and so on͒. In this letter, we will deal with transverse and ratchet rectifier devices based on Nb films grown on top of an array of Cu nanotriangles. We will experimentally show that the same device could exhibit longitudinal ratchet rectification and transverse ratchet rectification. In the longitudinal ratchet configuration the driving current is applied perpendicular to the triangle reflection symmetry axis ͑tip to base axis͒ and the output voltage signal is recorded on the same direction. The Lorentz force induces vortex motion parallel to the triangle reflection symmetry axis, but the output ͑dissipati...