We studied lasing modes in a disordered photonic crystal. The scaling of the lasing threshold with the system size depends on the strength of disorder. For sufficiently large size, the minimum of the lasing threshold occurs at some finite value of disorder strength. The highest random cavity quality factor was comparable to that of an intentionally introduced single defect. At the minimum, the lasing threshold showed a super-exponential decrease with the size of the system. We explain it through a migration of the lasing mode frequencies toward the photonic bandgap center, where the localization length takes the minimum value. Random lasers with exponentially low thresholds are predicted.A finite open system of scattering particles can be characterized by a set of quasi-stationary (leaky) optical modes. When gain, sufficient to compensate the leakage in at least one mode, is introduced in such systemrandom laser is formed [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. Unconventional feedback mechanism in a random laser leads to properties interesting from both fundamental and practical point of view [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]. While previous studies concentrated mainly on disordered systems, the resent experiments by Shkunov et al [14] demonstrated random lasing peaks associated with the bandgap in partially ordered system. In this letter, we obtain the lasing threshold for a random laser with different degree of ordering. Important information about these states can be extracted from the scaling of the average lasing threshold with the system size [12], L. For increasing values of the disorder parameter we find 5 scaling regimes: (a) photonic band-edge, 1/L 3 , (b) transitional super-exponential, (c) bandgap-related exponential, (d) diffusive, 1/L 2 , and (e) disorder-induced exponential, due to Anderson localized modes, regimes. In this letter we show that by optimizing the disorderness of the sample one can dramatically reduce the threshold of random laser, to the values comparable to those of photonic bandgap defect lasers [15]. This finding can open up a road to practical applications of random lasers.Finding the lasing threshold of a random laser theoretically is a difficult problem. In disordered photonic crystals one cannot take simplifying assumptions such as independent scattering approximation (low density limit), neglect the finite size of the scatterers, or the confined dimensions of the system. Random laser modes have the highest Q's and therefore weakly contribute to the transport properties of the system. Among other methods [16,17], finite difference time domain (FDTD) method has been shown to be a convenient tool in studying random laser modes in 1D [10] and 2D [11]. It was recently shown [10,11] that above the threshold, the shape of the lasing modes remain the same as in passive medium. In this work, we used FDTD method to find the modes with the smallest energy decay rate in an open passive 2D random medium system with different degree of order. These modes determine the value of the lasing threshold in an act...