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AbstractThe ordonomic approach to order ethics contains four elements: (a) a diagnosis of modernity, which identifies the core problems and directs the research strategy to solving them; (b) a rational-choice analysis of social dilemmas, i.e. positive theorizing which informs about the un-intended consequences of intentional inter-action; (c) the idea of orthogonal positions, i.e. normative theorizing that aims at providing reform orientation while at the same time systematically avoiding controversial value statements; (d) a scheme of three social arenas that helps to understand the interplay between institutions and ideas in societal learning processes. The first section explains why the dominant form of traditional ethics with its focus on individual motives of action needs to be complemented by an ethics of institutional orderin short: order ethicsthat concentrates moral analysis on the framework of rules and their incentive properties. The second section introduces a special version of order ethics: the ordonomic approach. It consists of four analytical elements and their systematic interplay. The third section discusses several applications of the ordonomic approach to order ethics and thus illustrates its heuristic power and problem-solving capacity.