The Eastern Sierras Pampeanas were structured by three main events: the Ediacaran to early Cambrian (580-510 Ma) Pampean, the late Cambrian-Ordovician (500-440 Ma) Famatinian and the Devonian-Carboniferous (400-350 Ma) Achalian orogenies. Geochronological and Sm-Nd isotopic evidence combined with petrological and structural features allow to speculate for a major rift event (Ediacaran) dividing into two Mesoproterozoic major crustal blocks (source of the Grenvillian age peaks in the metaclastic rocks).This event would be coeval with the development of arc magmatism along the eastern margin of the eastern block. Closure of this eastern margin led to a Cambrian active margin (Sierra Norte arc) along the western margin of the eastern block in which magmatism reworked the same crustal block. Consumption of a ridge segment (input of OIB signature mafic magmas) which controlled granulite-facies metamorphism led to a final collision (Pampean orogeny) with the western Mesoprotrozoic block. Sm-Nd results for the metamorphic basement suggest that the T DM age interval of 1.8-1.7 Ga, which is associated with the less radiogenic values of eNd (540) (-6 to -8), can be considered as the mean average crustal composition for the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas. Increasing metamorphic grade in rocks with similar detrital sources and metamorphic ages like in the Sierras de Córdoba is associated with a younger T DM age and a more positive eNd (540) value. Pampean pre-540 Ma granitoids form two clusters, one with T DM ages between 2.0 and 1.75 Ga and another between 1.6 and 1.5 Ga. Pampean post-540 Ma granitoids exhibit more homogenous T DM ages ranging from 2.0 to 1.75 Ga. Ordovician re-activation of active margin along the western part of the block that collided in the Cambrian led to arc magmatism (Famatinian orogeny) and related ensialic back-arc basin in which high-grade metamorphism is related to mid-crustal felsic plutonism and mafic magmatism with significant contamination of continental crust. T DM values for the Ordovician Famatinian granitoids define a main interval of 1.8-1.6, except for the Ordovician TTG suites of the Sierras de Córdoba, which show younger T DM ages ranging from 1.3 to 1.0 Ga. In Devonian times (Achalian orogeny), a new subduction regime installed west of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas. Devonian magmatism in the Sierras exhibit process of mixing/assimilation of depleted mantle signature melts and continental crust. Achalian magmatism exhibits more radiogenic eNd (540) values that range between 0.5 and -4 and T DM ages younger than 1.3 Ga. In pre-Devonian times, crustal reworking is dominant, whereas processes during Devonian times involved different geochemical and isotopic signatures that reflect a major input of juvenile magmatism.