The research was carried out in 2022-2023 to study the effect of vermiremediation of vermicompost on the physicochemical properties. The scientific novelty of the research was that the production of environmentally friendly fertilizer was tested in various ways. Depending on the production method and dose of the biological product, the optimal chemical and physical composition of the organic fertilizer has been established. The experimental design involved the study of the following options: the dose of a biological product used for the reproduction and life of soil-forming flora (factor A), the method of producing vermicompost (factor B) - year-round and seasonal. The experiment was launched at the training and experimental station of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. When using the biological product “Baikal-1” at a dose of 70 ml/1t, the maximum yield of vermicompost was obtained - 0.53 t per 1 ton of compost, which significantly exceeded the option in which a dose of 50 ml/1 t was used by 0.03 t. Year-round production turned out to be the best in formation of optimal density and yield of vermicompost. The optimal fertilizer was obtained during year-round production using the drug Baikal EM-1 at a dose of 70 ml/1 ton.