The degree of reliance of newborn sharks on energy reserves from maternal resource allocation and the timescales over which these animals develop foraging skills are critical factors towards understanding the ecological role of top predators in marine ecosystems. We used muscle tissue stable carbon isotopic composition and fatty acid analysis of bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas to investigate early-life feeding ecology in conjunction with maternal resource dependency. Values of δ 13 C of some young-of-the-year sharks were highly enriched, reflecting inputs from the marinebased diet and foraging locations of their mothers. This group of sharks also contained high levels of the 20:3ω9 fatty acid, which accumulates during periods of essential fatty acid deficiency, suggesting inadequate or undeveloped foraging skills and possible reliance on maternal provisioning. A loss of maternal signal in δ
13C values occurred at a length of approximately 100 cm, with muscle tissue δ 13 C values reflecting a transition from more freshwater/estuarine-based diets to marine-based diets with increasing length. Similarly, fatty acids from sharks >100 cm indicated no signs of essential fatty acid deficiency, implying adequate foraging. By combining stable carbon isotopes and fatty acids, our results provided important constraints on the timing of the loss of maternal isotopic signal and the development of foraging skills in relation to shark size and imply that molecular markers such as fatty acids are useful for the determination of maternal resource dependency.
KEY WORDS: Essential fatty acid deficiency · Fatty acids · Food webs · Maternal investment · Stable isotopes · Sharks
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisherMar Ecol Prog Ser 455: [245][246][247][248][249][250][251][252][253][254][255][256] 2012 man et , Torres-Rojas et al. 2010, to molecular tools including stable isotope and lipid biomarker analysis (MacNeil et al. 2005, Pethybridge et al. 2010, Wai et al. 2011. Although stomach content analysis can provide evidence for specific dietary items, biochemical approaches have the advantage of providing information on assimilated organic substrates and can be especially helpful in complex ecosystems with multiple organic carbon substrates (Dalsgaard et al. 2003, Iverson et al. 2004, Whiles et al. 2010. Bulk δ 13 C has been widely used for food web studies, providing information on the source of organic matter in food webs (Fry et al. 1978, Fry & Sherr 1984, McCutchan et al. 2003. Furthermore, stable isotopic composition of neonatal animals has been demonstrated to reflect maternal diet and foraging location instead of neonatal diet, and this complication must be considered when interpreting isotope values in neonates and juveniles, especially for tissues with slow isotopic turnover times (e.g. muscle tissue in elasmobranchs; MacNeil et al. 2005, Olin et al. 2011. Fatty acid signatures are particularly useful for dietary studies because fatty acids from a prey item are taken up i...