Correlation between soil organic carbon (SOC) and land use and soil type were
investigated in the soils of the Republic of Serbia. The database included a
total of 1,140 soil profiles. To establish the correlation between organic
carbon content and soil type, a soil map of Serbia was adapted to the WRB
classification and divided into 15,437 polygons (map units). The SOC stock
values were calculated for each reference soil group based on mean values of
SOC at 0-30 and 0-100 cm and their areas. The largest SOC stocks for the
soil layers 0-30 cm were found in Cambisol 194.76 x 1012 g and Leptosol
186.43 x 1012 g and for the soil layers 0-100 cm in Cambisol 274.87 x 1012 g
and Chernozem 230.43 x 1012 g. Using the Corine Land Cover (CLC) database,
the major categories of land use were defined. Based on the obtained mean
values of organic carbon content for the soil layers 0-30 and 0-100 cm and
the areas indicated by Corine Land Cover categories of land use, the organic
carbon stocks in agricultural soil, forest soil, semi-natural areas, and
artificial areas were calculated. The correlation of organic carbon stocks
and the different land use categories, soil reference group, and soil depth
was studied for reference groups that occupy the major part of central
Serbia, such as Cambisol (taking up 37.76% of the territory) and Leptosol
(22.22% of the territory), and have a sufficient number of sites that were
required for this type of analysis.